How to become a parcel taxi driver?

parcel taxi driver

Parcel transport is part of the field of transport and logistics. Becoming a parcel taxi driver is currently one of the ambitions of young people living in France. Some do it for extra income, others for a career. Have you also planned to become a delivery driver? So you’re in good shape. You are invited to read the rest of this article which talks about it more.

A document inseparable from any parcel taxi driver, the CPT, professional transport capacity, will be required of you first by the competent authorities. Obtain this certificate. For this, you must pass a dedicated exam. But before the review, you need to determine whether you are leaning towards heavy transport or light transport. In fact, this exam is organized every year. There are two tests including the management of the transport companyand the MCQ, multiple choice questions. You can skip the exam. But in this case, it is imperative for you to be validated by your experience in passenger transport or in the management of a transport company. Said experience must be above 5 years. In addition to experience, the equivalence of diplomas can also allow you to obtain the CPT. You must have a DUT in Logistics and Transport Management or a BTS in Transport. Regardless of how you obtain your CPT, the request must be submitted to one of the following organisations: DREAL, DRIEA, DEAL.

It is a matter of you knowing what a delivery driver isand its role. It seems obvious, but it will be useful for you to better become a parcel taxi driver. Know from the outset that you will be responsible for delivering goods or packages regularly or occasionally to customers’ homes. You must respect the delivery time they have given you. Moreover, you are responsible for ensuring that the objects transported are not broken or lost until they reach their recipient. And to prevent any incident from taking place, you must arm yourself with your perfect knowledge of the highway code. So, when loading and unloading, you have to watch everything, watch out for grain. It is up to you to define the most suitable and secure route for your delivery. In fact, your job as a parcel taxi driver may not be limited to the transport of parcels or goods. You can also intervene in the assembly of furniture for example.

What qualities are needed to become a parcel taxi driver?

How do you manage to put into practice the responsibilities and tasks listed in the previous paragraph? You just need to have the qualities relating to the profession of parcel taxi driver. At first glance, it is mandatory that you have a B license. Also, it is necessary for you to master navigation equipment such as radar, VHF and GPS. Know about traffic rules. Also be an organized person. Your physical capacity must allow you to endure in your job. Otherwise, you will tend to give up early. A good way to manage stress must also be among your qualities. And last but not least is punctuality. Arriving on time when loading parcels and when unloading is highly recommended. If you manage to fulfill all these conditions, you are able to become a parcel taxi driver.

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